Last year was a busy year for me....lots of projects at home and a big project at my daughter's home kept me super busy.
I spent most of my days from early in the morning until evening at her home and only took a break at lunchtime when I drove home to feed Mr. Brownbie.
One day as I arrived home for a quick lunch I spotted a tiny white dog foraging on an open lot across the street.
The poor thing was not in good shape.
She was very emaciated and the hopeless look of hunger in her eyes told a very sad story.
I rushed into the kitchen and fixed some chicken sausages and rice along with a small bowl of water and headed back out to find her.
By this time she was resting in my neighbour's yard....apparently they had been feeding her every time she showed up in their yard.
She was a bit fearful as I approached so I placed the saucer down nearby and walked away.
Glancing back I saw that she was eating greedily.
Oh dear dear, my heart strings were pulling in each and every direction.
Later in the evening I posted her photo on Lost and Found Pets Barbados and the RSPCA Barbados website.
I was advised to make sure I gave her a wormer tablet.
She continued to traverse the neighbourhood many days afterward perusing garbage bins and hoping to find something to eat.
I kept my eyes out for her and fed her whenever I saw her.
On the morning of August 26, 2019 when we were expecting Tropical Storm Dorian to come our way, I saw her nosing around my garbage.
I went outside with a towel and lifted her oh so gently and said "I think you will be safer inside with me....I would hate for you to be swept away in the storm."
Instead of running away this time she allowed me to lift her up.
I was so scared as I brought her inside, she was so fragile and I felt as if she would break in my arms. She was as light as a feather.
I posted an update on the websites and lots of folks were happy that I had saved her.
Brownie was anxious to meet his new lady friend and behaved exactly as any male would.
He was all excited jumping up and down and trying his best to get close to her at all costs. I was so afraid he would break her in half.
Fed and watered...look at that pretty tongue
We all had lunch together and I continued my storm preparations.
Gorgeous sunset on the evening before Tropical Storm Dorian.
Luckily for us, Tropical Storm Dorian swerved away from our island and went northwards.
It became a Category 5 hurricane in no time and wreaked havoc in several islands leaving millions of dollars in damage behind in the Bahamas.
The following day I bundled the little girl up and set off for a visit to my friends at the RSPCA.
Not one single veterinary staff member was surprised that I had arrived with another dog.....not one.
"Who is this little one?" the vet asked.
I looked into those sad little eyes and said, "Girlie".
She was given a full examination.
She was about 2 to 3 years old and weighed 9lbs 6oz.
Her heart was good and she was in pretty good shape except for not having anything much to eat for a while.
Her teats were pronounced and I thought she may have been nursing but I was assured that that was not the case...they were more pronounced because she was so malnourished.
She was given a wormer treatment, nails were clipped, eyes and ears checked and anal glands expressed.
We were given some vitamins and a sample package of dog food and we headed back home.
She made herself at home and Brownie and I settled down to our new lifestyle of having an adolescent in the house.
Brownie and Girlie watching tv
She has made herself at home.
She loves lying on my slippers
She loves lying in the sunshine.
She loves lying with her new friend Brownie.
She loves to eat.... enjoying her watermelon breakfast
She loves exploring her new surroundings.
She loves her new name ...look at that face after she hears "GIRLIE!!!"
She loves to drape her neck over my feet.
She isn't too keen on her Mr.Dog stuffed toy.
She LOVES having her tummy rubbed and assumes the position readily.
She loves sleeping in her box ...she adopted this box and would not let me throw it out. It stays under my desk.
Sometimes she sleeps standing up....antenna ears listening and at the ready ...old habits die hard.
Friends and family.
The Two Compadres
And so it is....Girlie is here to stay.
Brownie is an older guy now and his hearing is gone but he is happy for the company.
They make a great team for the monkey patrol every morning.