Thursday, 5 September 2013

Someone and something made my day

On Tuesday morning, I visited with a local company that fabricates metal roof coverings. I had already had a conversation with a pleasant gentleman about the problem I was encountering with the bats, and wondered whether there was a product that could be used instead of the sponge inserts that were installed with the metal roof covering.  He told me that they were experimenting with a metal strip which would fit snugly against the metal sheet roof covering, thus closing off any small openings that the bats may find for easy entry into the roof.  It was a prototype but he was more than willing to loan it to me so that I could use the pattern to cut out my new fascia boards.  How kind of him.  I will make my own patterned strip from the template and return it to him pronto.  He surely did make my day.  Thank you kind sir, you know what customer service is all about.

Since I was in the area, I also paid my girlfriend a visit, and as I was pulling out of her driveway, I had to "mash the brake" and stare at this gorgeous beauty.

The Crinum Lily,  Spider Lily

What beautiful blooms
With a heavenly scent at night
I think the moths like it a lot

Talk about making my day!!!


  1. Isn't it so pleasant when someone does more than they have to as part of their service. So very, very pleasant.

    1. Going above and beyond....that's what I'm talking about.. A lot of businesses here on the island could learn a thing or ten thousand from this employee at the company. I will drop a note of service appreciation to his boss and enclose photos of my finished project.

  2. I hope you have good luck with your metal strips. My daughter had raccoons in her attic (instead of bats in her belfry. They had a devil of a time getting rid of them. She ended up having to hire someone to get them out then seal the attic so they could not return.

  3. Thank goodness we don't have raccoons here, they would drive me "batty."
    Thanks for dropping by Emma...wishing you the best with your new's addictive.

  4. I am having a good day here too, Virginia. I am just back from the hardware store, where firs,t one gentleman offered to help me get my heavy trolley over a speed bump to my car, and then another offered to help me load heavy bales of garden mulch from the trolley to the car. Chivalry isn't dead! And I love the crinum photos.

  5. No, chivalry isn't dead, or were you wearing some stunning revealing number that had the poor guys' heads in a tizzy....hahaha.
    Glad they reached out to help....others would stand by and watch you struggle to load the heavy bales of mulch into your car, and then laugh if one fell and burst open.
    Glad you liked the crinum photos. I'm going to write a post on my friend's garden in the near future, so look out.

  6. The irony is that good service should be the norm and we should be writing posts about bad service being the exception. It's come to a sad and sorry day when we write posts when we get good service. That's how it is most places though. Sad. The lily is beautiful.

    1. I am always heartened when I receive good service. Our island has a bad reputation for dishing out bad service especially to the locals. The tourists on the other hand are waited on hand and foot....sad but true.


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