I had the date in my mental file (my old noggin) and I knew it was later in the month and I also knew that the day and time had changed, but yet when the day dawned, I still wasn't as prepared as I should have been.
Needless to say I took all the potted plants I had prepared and a few cuttings from my favourite jasmines and herbs along to the swap.
Would you believe I also had baby pink ginger lilies to share???
Our Facebook group Barbados Garden Lovers is like a family and I always enjoy the company of these kindred plant lovers....so much information to learn and to share with each other.
It was a wonderful evening.
My new plant babies.
Or should I say "rediscovered" plants...since I used to have these in my collection before.
White Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) and a few cactus cuttings.
Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)
I hope Brazen and crew allow me to get a few when it bears fruit this time around. This was one of the fruit trees I cut down
Papaw (Papaya) seedlings.
I chose two since I have no way of knowing if one may be a male...the male plants do not bear fruit.
I had so much fun that I only remembered to take two photos, and since the faces are included I will not be posting them here.
Now that the rains have finally settled in and the drought is no more I am excited to be planting new babies in my garden.
I've lost a lot of grass from the lawn and some other mature plants have suffered terribly but I believe that with some tender loving care they can be saved.
Lots of work to be done to whip the garden back in shape but I'm ready.....GAME ON!!!
Thanks to another great plant swap I am armed and ready.