What a clatter........
What a commotion................
A whole lot of noise...............................
Deafening unadulterated LOUD babbling...........
Brazen sat in the trees loudly chattering for ages and ages.........
He just went on and on and on....................
What was he on about I wondered........
Then Brownie ran into my office to get my attention, "Come and see! Come quick Mummy! Come quick!"
I dutifully followed him outside to the patio, and there she was...........
Brazen's mate with her new born hanging on to her
stomach. I wasn't in time to grab my camera, but you'll get an idea
from the photo below borrowed from the internet.
The tiny baby was a blue colour, since its hair had not begun to grow in and cover the flesh as yet.
It hung on for dear life on his mother's chest/stomach as she moved around with her maternal instinct in top gear.
Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!!
Brazen was in the trees announcing the birth of his crazy offspring to the world.
Remember when they were caboodling on the gate? The time was right by my calculation.
Another monkey to terrorize the neighbourhood.....another monkey with Brazen's crazy-a$$$$$ genes.
"Lawd I cahn tek it nuh more."
A little later in the day, what did I spy with my own little eye? Brazen caboodling with another female on my neighbour's wall. He's really going forth and multiplying....where's the phone????
Have a read here and here.