Wednesday 13 November 2013

All in a day's work

Sunny day.

Worky day.

Lots of work to be done.

Palms in the back garden in dire need of a trim


Pomgamia tree needed a haircut too

After all the tree trimming, the grass was envious, so tomorrow will be a grass cutting day.


  1. A gardener's work is never done. We help them grow, then we cut them back, then we help them grow.....

  2. Hi,

    I just found your blog and wanted to invite you to provide a guest post on our site Retirement and Good Living about life/living in Barbados.

    Earlier this year we launched our retirement site Retirement And Good Living at that provides information on a variety of topics including travel, retirement locations, health, finance, hobbies, volunteering, part time work and much more to boomers, recent retirees and others thinking about or planning for retirement.

    Currently the blog section of our site is comprised entirely of posts by guests on a variety of topics. To date over 100 guests from around the globe provided posts to our blog.

    Please send me an email and I will forward additional information.

    Simone Harrison

    1. Hi Simone,
      Thanks for dropping by.
      At this time I will pass on your kind offer to write a guest post for the Retirement and Good Living blog, but thanks for your kind consideration.
      All the best for the future and good luck with the blog.
      Warm regards,

  3. The Golden Cane Palms do require a lot of cleaning up, don't they? I have so many, many huge clumps of them and I do spend a lot of time picking up the fallen fronds.


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