On entering my office, and reaching to open the window, I realised that the screen was dirty, so I decided that I would wash the screen off. Outside I traipsed, and gave it a good wash-off with the hose.
After removing the screen, I saw that the window grille had a few minor rust spots, so I decided to sand it and repaint it.
Between the coats of paint, I used an old painter's trick..
Freshly painted window grille
Of course, it was only natural that the window would need to be cleaned as well....obviously.
When I looked at the sill, it just didn't look fresh enough, so I decided to paint the window sill and frame.
(You can't even see the screen, it's so clean)
Wow, how did I get myself involved in these maintenance chores today? I was supposed to be covering my office chair with new fabric.....maybe tomorrow.
Talk about a worky worky day.